7 1/4" Gauge Battery Locomotive

Saddle Tank
Narrow gauge version body

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  • Wheel size 127mm (cut from 5" dia blank) EN8 steel
  • 1" diameter axles
  • Length 1140 mm (45")
  • Width 500 mm (19.5")
  • Minimum radius - 15 feet (4.5m)

Optional Extras

  • Alternative body work
  • Quick release battery connectors
  • Chuffer sound unit
  • Steam whistle sound unit
  • Sprung buffers
  • Brass spectacle plates
  • Vacuum pump and control for  train braking
  • Induction ammeter - power drawn + shows regenerative braking
  • Battery charger
  • Tender with option for additional batteries.
  • 8 x 150w motors
  • Direct drive - instant power and braking
  • 24v iDrive digital controller - 180 amp continuous rating
  • Progressive regenerative braking
  • Top speed 11-12mph
  • Commercial bearings
  • Direct drive from axle hung motors
  • 2 x 85amp hour batteries (not included)
  • Body 1.2mm steel
  • 3mm steel deck with 6mm buffer beams and angle iron strengtheners.
The saddle tank design was drawn up for a client who wanted a couple of steam engines to run "Christmas Express" trains at a museum complex. The design allows for two large leisure batteries which provide enough power for pulling two loaded coaches for at least a full morning or afternoons running.

The flip up saddle tank allows for quick battery change so not restricting use to the limitations of one pair of batteries.

The direct drive means virtually no slack in the drive system so the response between acceleration and braking is nearly instantaneous. The twinning of motors on axles means reduced tooth loading of the gears. The iDrive digital controller offers 24 v pulse width modulation with a continuous rating of 180amps - a proper commercial controller which is one of the most robust on the market.

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Copyright Ride on Railways Ltd